Corporate proxies

Bypass website blocking from anywhere with Asocks proxy service

  1. Highest connection
  2. 7+ million real IP addresses
  3. 99% of stable operation time

Our proxies easily integrate with all popular programming languages

java scriptJavaScript
c plus plusC/C++
c sharpC#

Data center proxies are built by the best engineers for engineers

  1. High quality services
  2. Large GEO coverage
  3. Excellent network uptime
  4. Quick data entry

Use Asocks proxy for comfortable work

  1. Over 7 million real IP addresses
  2. 150 GEO-locations with targeting by one city, operator and ASN
  3. Best choice for developers

Why customers choose us

  • Attitude

    We work every day to make your interaction with our service as comfortable as possible

  • Support is available 24/7

    Technical support specialists are always on call and ready to answer your questions. They will guide you through every step and make sure everything works as it should. Your success is our priority

  • High success rate of connection

    Guaranteed high response rate and 97% successful connections

  • Customer focus

    New features aimed at the success of your business are released every week

  • Growing pool of proxies

    New IP addresses are added every day and work is underway to expand the GEO

  • Clear IP addresses

    Asocks has its own proxy infrastructure with clean addresses to help you avoid bans

Protecting your data


We provide a service that takes care of user data security and complies with all legal regulations. Asocks supports all current legal requirements for user data protection, including the EU Data Protection Database, GDPR and CCPA

Enhanced customer service

  • Our technical support is available 24/7
    We will answer your questions at any time of day or night
  • Each user has their own account manager
    Optimize your productivity together
  • Every day we strive to be better than we were yesterday
    Your requests help us to develop new features of our service
Corporate proxies
Free testing on
your request
  • Support Service
    available 24/7
  • Payment for use only
  • No hidden fees
To try

Get the highest quality proxies